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By Emily

July 2024

The appeal of nativist politics and what comes next

Ash Amin, 2023

Tamara Kolarić

By Emily

July 2024

Muhajirs in the Late Ottoman Empire

Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, 2024

Paul Csillag

By Emily

July 2024

More children at any price in Slovak family planning

Denisa Nešťáková, 2023

Fanni Svégel

By Emily

July 2024

It is no longer Greek to us

Giedre Mickunaite, 2023

Jan Blonski

By Emily

July 2024

Bridging past and present: A critical exploration of transition memories

Edited by Ksenia Robbe, 2023

Daria Gordeeva

By Emily

July 2024

A return to history and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Serhii Plokhy, 2023

Oleksa Drachewych

By Emily

July 2024

A biography of the Polessian "boggy land"

Sławomir Łotysz, 2022

Patrice M. Dabrowski

By Emily

June 2024

Bessarabia and the collapse of empires

Svetlana Suveica, 2022

Anca Filipovici

By Emily

June 2024

Populism in Greece and the USA

Giorgos Venizelos, 2023

Francesco Campo

By Emily

June 2024

The legacy of globalization, nationalism and imperialism in Eastern Europe

James W. Peterson and Jacek Lubecki, 2023

Lia Chkhetiani