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By Emily

October 2023

Challenging the Bauhaus myth

Edited by Beate Störtkuhl and Rafał Makała, 2022

Jana Hunter

By Emily

October 2023

An environmental biography of Krakow

Edited by Adam Izdebski and Rafał Szmytka, 2021

Eunice Blavascunas

By Emily

October 2023

Interwar Czechoslovakia’s “Gypsy question”

Pavel Baloun, 2022

Celia Donert

By Emily

September 2023

A sweeping history of Europe’s revolutionary spring

Christopher Clark, 2023

Michael Ignatieff

By Emily

September 2023

Neighbors at the heart of Central Europe

Edited by Niklas Perzi, Hildegard Schmoller, Ota Konrád, Václav Šmidrkal, 2019

Kathryn Densford

By Emily

September 2023

The Jewish Civic Court and postwar retribution in Poland

Jakub Szymczak, 2022

Katarzyna Person

By Emily

September 2023

The undermining of gender-equal democracy in Eastern Europe

Andrea Krizsán and Conny Roggeband, 2021

Barbara Havelková

By Emily

September 2023

Maria Theresa’s body politic

Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, 2021

Lucy Coatman

By Emily

September 2023

Shifts in Indian and Central European relations from the Cold War to today

edited by Rajendra K. Jain, 2021

Priya Vijaykumar Poojary

By Emily

September 2023

Reintegrating Czechoslovakia’s Jewish survivors after the Holocaust

Magdalena Sedlická, 2021

Jan Láníček