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Review March 2025

Socialist Poland's economic opening up

Review by Jack Dean
Book cover. The top and bottom third of the cover is in a yellowish green with geometric shapes. In the middle of the cover the title and the author are displayed on a white background. On the bottom right corner the logo to Routledge is visible.
Poland and European East-West Cooperation in the 1970s: The Opening Up
Aleksandra Komornicka, 2024
ISBN 9781032392165
246 Pages
Published by: Routledge

Born out of the PanEur1970s project, Aleksandra Komornicka’s monograph represents an interesting and new approach to the study of Poland in the 1970s. Drawing on a range of sources, from archives and interviews to memoirs, this impressively researched work represents an important milestone for historical research. The aforementioned usage of sources is a standout of the work. Komornicka presents a subtle and nuanced handling of a range of records, in particular the archival sources. As Komornicka notes, current scholarship looking at Poland in the period is very limited, particularly in English, and this is a gap that this work artfully fills.

The text is in two sections: the rise and fall of the national strategy of the 1970s; and license agreements with Western European companies. Each of these is composed of several chapters, some of which have previously been published as journal articles. These sections are a helpful guide for students or researchers, as they present a clear overview, enabling a quick search for relevant information.

The early chapters present an overview of Poland under Gierek and Gomułka. These sections are very good reading if you are already familiar with the actors and period, but for a lay-person or student they may be challenging or contain repeated cross-referencing. However, if you are familiar with the period, Komornicka’s early chapters represent a deep dive into the history and politics of the period, skillfully challenging the prior assumptions that the shifts occurred only as a result of events in the 1970s themselves. This is the great strength of the monograph – it demonstrates weaknesses in the current approaches, pointing to the longer-term trends and factors shaping policy and politics throughout. Of real interest is the discussion of the splits in the Polish elite during the Second World War, with some in Moscow, and others representing partisans – a split that it is well argued was a factor in the diverging opinions and perspectives of the said elite towards the West and the Soviet Union. In particular, the references to how attitudes to the Cold War were shaped by the stance of the elites on the “German question” are valuable for scholars looking at German and European history more broadly. 

Komornicka’s early chapters represent a deep dive into the history and politics of the period, skillfully challenging the prior assumptions that the shifts occurred only as a result of events in the 1970s themselves.

The later chapters follow this approach of challenging pre-existing narratives: from disputing the role of Gierek to the suggestion of the opening up being fueled primarily by the confidence of legislators within Poland. The discussion of the opening up despite fears stemming from the Prague Spring was of great interest, showing how this dichotomy of fear of repression yet cultural liberalisation helped Poland diverge from the path taken by others, such as Romania and Albania. Finally, the book moves onto smaller case studies, showing how these elite decisions led to particular trade outcomes – something sure to be of use for economic historians of Poland. This balance of political and economic case studies allows for a triangulation that is rare, and has substantial merit for the enquiry at hand. Komornicka’s blending of the micro and macro is skillful, and cannot be understated in its detail. The sources used and analysis offered combine to present a clear use and a clear narrative, one that continues the previous challenge to Gomułka/Gierek or superpower-dominated narratives that have traditionally appeared.

Komornicka’s monograph provides skillful discussion of elite behaviour during the 1970s in Poland. It draws from history and economics to craft a clear narrative, one in which elite confidence helped to open Poland up to the West at a time when some of its neighbours were sceptical or fearful of following such a route. Given this focus on the elites, it is unsurprising to note that the work is of less use to those researching or interested in popular behaviour, but this is something I would welcome Komornicka applying her skill to – such a text, in combination with the book under review, would provide an overview of Polish attitudes in the 1970s that is seen little elsewhere in Central and Eastern Europe.

This study will perhaps be of less use for those who are not already familiar with Poland or the period. Writing as someone primarily interested in Romania and Germany, I found myself searching for certain aspects of the text frequently, but the wider context of Detente and Ostpolitik were frameworks that I had enough familiarity with to be able to learn a substantial amount about. Komornicka’s text is dense, but for historians of CEE, economic or political, I believe it is a must read. It offers a level of insight into elite attitudes that is scant in other studies, and is thus of great merit. For those interested in other CEE states, the work of the PanEur1970s project more broadly may be of further use, but do not be swayed from Komornicka’s masterful handling of sources and challenge to existing debates.

Jack Dean is a Ph.D. candidate at University College London’s School of Slavonic and East European Studies, where he works on the sociology and politics of Central Europe. His dissertation Medical Populism in Romania, but his research interests address the region more broadly, with particular focus on 1945 onwards.